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Amanda Leatherberry Photography

Christmas Minis 2018-SALE


Image of Christmas Minis 2018-SALE

includes 3 digitals

15 minute session in studio

Perfect for Christmas cards and gifts for family. Immediate family only. I have beautiful silver and gold ornaments for the kids and a bed set up for anyone who wants a family photo together. Pjs are super cute for these!

I have spots available on Monday December 3rd, Wednesday December 5th, Sunday December 9th, and Saturday December 15th. I will contact you to find out which day works best for you along with times.

Session balance required in full at the time of booking. Additional digital images, Christmas ornaments and prints and products will be available to purchase after you've seen your proofing gallery as well. No additional purchase required. Since Christmas is fast approaching, I will provide your proofing gallery within 48 hours of your session date to ensure you have your images in plenty of time for Christmas.